Get more relevant traffic in fiverr

You can now take your Gig display to a higher level with per-thing labels, which will at last assist you with acquiring considerably more significant traffic to your Gig.

By labeling your Gig display things with the most dependable labels, we can introduce your most significant work tests inside your Gig purchasers, in light of explicit purchasers' inclinations.

Keep in mind: purchasers who run over a work test, that matches their particular requirements, are bound to open your Gig - and request it.

You can now:

Choose which values to use, from your Gig metadata, and apply them to each and every item in your Gig gallery.

Use free text tags to highlight your unique talent or expertise demonstrated within each item.

Note: Make sure that you only add keywords that are relevant to the specific gallery item. This is because non-relevant tags can actually hurt your Gig and reduce its overall performance. For this reason, be as specific as possible when choosing your keywords.

To start tagging your gallery:

Go to your Manage Gigs page.

Click on Gig Edit.

Then click on the Gallery tab.

Next to each item, you will see Add Tags to This Sample. Click on it to open a new window that contains the tagging options.

Note: The values you may choose to tag each item with are derived from the Gig metadata you have previously selected in the Overview tab. You may change this selection in order to make other options become available for tagging.

Gallery tagging is currently available in the following categories:

Graphics & Design


Book Design

Album Cover Design

Social Media Design

Presentation Design

Flyer Design

Architecture & Interior Design > 3D Modeling & Rendering

Packaging Design

Music & Audio

Session Musicians

Voice Over

Video & Animation

 Product Photography